Title 42 Has Ended

Title 42 Has Ended

Title 42 ended yesterday. This means that there will be very limited restrictions on illegal immigration at the border — an extremely dangerous development for America. Without Title 42, we can expect a surge in illegal immigration that will strain our economy,...
United in Prayer

United in Prayer

In these uncertain times, we are reminded of the power of unity and prayer. As recent events unfold, including the indictment of a former president, there are concerns about the impartiality and politicization of our legal system. Our nation is facing unprecedented...
A Victory for Religious Liberty

A Victory for Religious Liberty

As you may have heard by now, a federal judge has recently dismissed a lawsuit by the LGBTQ-sponsored “Religious Exemption Accountability Project” (REAP) that was attempting to overturn a provision of Title IX that allows religious colleges to seek exemptions from a...
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