A look at the where we are heading into the General Election:
Winners for the General Election
Recognizing Candidates Supported by the PAC
We also want to recognize other candidates that we supported and who fought the good fight but were not able to overcome their opponents — though some were very, very close. Most of these candidates were first-timers and, overall, did very well — some with small budgets and lots of volunteers.
The Save America Now PAC was founded by a team of conservative Christians in the summer of 2021 with a mission to support quality conservative candidates who are committed to its three key pillars and promise hope for the nation moving forward.
In the one and one half years since the PAC began its work, it has reached out in many ways, has made significant inroads and achieved substantial accomplishments
Study Groups
In southern California, the PAC hosted 5 Study Groups, which were opportunities for key candidates for office and excellent speakers to address the attendees. Featured speakers included:
- Craig Huey, author of The Christian Voter, who pointed out that in order to win elections, Christians must have a strategy to GET OUT THE VOTE, a/k/a GOTV.
- Bill Wells, who has since been reelected for a third term as Mayor of El Cajon, CA.
- Brad Cranston, Director, Awake America State Capitol Initiative, whose mission is to bring America back to the Godly principles upon which it was founded.
- Joel Anderson, San Diego County Commissioner, who discussed getting involved and making a real difference in Washington and Sacramento.
- Steve Baldwin, former California State Assemblyman and director of a national conservative think tank.
Dozens of e-mail blasts have been sent by our Executive Director, Chad Porter to recipients nationwide on timely topics such as “We Stand with Ukraine”; “What Happens When Government is Too Big?”; “Government Runaway Spending and Economic Policy”; “The Triumph of Life” (regarding the Supreme Court overturn of Roe vs. Wade); and, most recently, “Reflections on the Midterm.”
Reading Materials
- Over 1,000 books have been distributed free of charge to our committed and potential supporters and donors at our Study Groups and via mailings.
- Significant conservative educational materials have been made available, as well as our Recommended Books List.
NASCAR Sponsorships
In a unique effort to reach out to a broad audience, the PAC sponsored two NASCAR cars. In June, 2021 we were the No. 15 car at the Xfinity race in the Poconos, and in November we sponsored the No. 25 car in Phoenix. We were able to secure excellent sponsorship rates, driver endorsements and the support of NASCAR fans. The races received national TV coverage on Saturday ESPN and NBC Sports.
Fundraising & Candidate Support
- Overall, PAC Save America now raised well over $150,000 this year from more than 200 donors.
- We supported 11 Senate and House candidates in the 2022 primaries and general election.
- We also helped to raise tens of thousands of dollars outside the PAC for speakers at our Study Group luncheons.
- We continue to encourage you to make contributions for the 2024 Elections.
Moving Forward
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