We Stand With Ukraine

At this pivotal moment, as we stare authoritarian government in the face and watch its dismal evil on display, we stand with the brave, freedom-loving people of Ukraine. Our thoughts and prayers are with these brave men and women as they lay down their lives for liberty and justice. May God bless their desire for freedom and fierce resolve in the face of tyranny.

What Happens When Government Is Too Big

Most are aware of what’s happening in Canada this week. Protesting big-government vaccine mandates, Canadian truckers have quite literally taken to the streets in order to speak against violations of freedom and conscience.

It’s difficult not to see the parallels under the Biden administration, which thinks our core freedoms are nothing more than a passing fad — outdated relics of a bygone time.

With so many pivotal elections happening this year with the potential to shape our nation for years to come, it’s imperative that we band together, stand, and act as one. Will you join us in working to put the right people in our government? Will you take a stand to Save America Now?

2021: A Year In Review

As 2021 comes to a close, we’re thankful that it’s been both a busy and productive year. With your support we’ve already been able to accomplish much and position ourselves collectively to increase our impact in next year’s elections.

In light of this, we’d first like to say thank you for your support. It means the world and our labor is not in vain.

Second, we’d like to ask you to help. To give us the momentum we need to break into 2022 with force and change, we’re aiming to raise $10k before the end of the year. Would you consider contributing? With the midterms rapidly approaching, it’s more important than ever to be ready as we find and support those candidate who can — and will — prevail in 2022 and flip the House and Senate.

Join us as we take a stand and push forward, for our children, to Save America Now.

Introducing our Honorary Chairman: Newt Gingrich

We are excited to announce that former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich has joined Save America Now as the PAC’s Honorary Chairman. Speaker Gingrich is a Fox News contributor, podcast host (Newt’s World), and syndicated columnist. He is the author of 41 books, including 18 fiction and nonfiction New York Times bestsellers. His latest include Beyond Biden: Rebuilding the America We Love and Trump and the American Future: Solving the Great Problems of Our Time.

We’re thankful for Speaker Gingrich’s vote of support and our shared vision to take a stand and Save America Now.

Giving Thanks & Candidate Funding

First of all, we’d like to take a moment to say thank you. Your support as we seek to unify around what makes our country great — the sanctity of life, religious liberty, and the free market — in order to bring our country back from the brink is so important. As we reflect this thanksgiving weekend, we’re thankful for these freedoms and for men and women like you who choose to take a stand and let your voice be heard. We wish you and yours the happiest of holiday seasons.

Second, Save America Now PAC is excited to announce our first candidate funding. As we seek to support quality conservative candidates who are committed to our three key pillars and promise hope for our nation moving forward, we’re honored to be able to support Paul Broun in his race for congress in the GA-10 district. We encourage you to check him out.

Together our voices can make a difference. During this time of rest, let’s remain thankful and renew our resolve to Save America Now.

Make a contribution today!

Help Me Understand…Crushing Gas Prices & Inflation

President Biden, Help Me Understand…

…why you deemed it imperative to slash the Keystone XL pipeline project and make us pay the price for massive inflation? Unfettered spending, combined with a lack of economic foresight, has some Americans paying over $8/gallon for gas right now…unacceptable. Combining this with other reckless spending and government overreach serve to show us yet again that you are not the man to lead our country forward.

Rampant spending and skewed priorities continue along at a record pace. Yet another reason we need to take a stand to Save America Now.

President Biden, Help Me Understand…

…why, with our national debt approaching $29 trillion, your partisan teammates are trying to ram through another $3.5 trillion spending authorization? Especially given that the vast majority of people holding this debt are the American people (via Social Security and pension funds), why are you intent on continuing your rampant spending without thought for our children?

To break our debt down a bit further, the Federal Reserve owns $11 trillion, pension plans & mutual funds $2 trillion, banks & corporations another $2 trillion, and Social Security/Medicare $6 trillion. In all that’s 75% of our $28 trillion debt laying on the backs of the American people…with the remaining 25% owed to foreign governments (some of whom are NOT our allies).

This is both dangerous and unsustainable. We are incurring a debt that our children and grandchildren will not be able to bear. Despite what some of our Democratic leaders in Washington may say, the way forward is not to spend without limit on their left wing/progressive projects and wasteful excess. We need to act.

Let’s stand together and Save America Now.

Donate today!